What it takes to prosecute war crimes


FADEL SENNA/AFP via Getty Images (NEW YORK) — As Russian forces retreated from northern Ukraine, atrocities were revealed and the U.S. and European countries accused Russia of committing war crimes. Last month, the U.S. made a formal

Scoreboard roundup — 4/17/22


iStock (NEW YORK) — Here are the scores from Sunday’s sports events: INTERLEAGUE San Francisco 8, Cleveland 1 AMERICAN LEAGUE Baltimore 5, NY Yankees 0 Boston 8, Minnesota 1 Toronto 4, Oakland 3 Tampa Bay 9, Chicago

1 Minute Read : Free Tax Day Help Available


While many people have filed their taxes already, this is deadline day for those who haven’t.  The Internal Revenue Service wants last minute filers to know tax help is available to file a tax return, request an